
I like baseball.  But then you already figured that out.  There is not really much to say here other than to point out the reason for there being so many haiku about the Cards and the Redbirds is because I am a St. Louis Cardinal fan.  But then you already figured that out, too.

Yes, I do live in Houston and perhaps ought to be a Houston Astro fan, but my road did not include that fork.  I became a Cardinal fan long, long before there were Astros (or even Colt 45s).  Plus I grew up in a little town miles and miles away from Houston, way down in South Texas.  Houston came way later.

I am heartened by the fact that you clicked on this part of 5-7-5.  Maybe we are kindred spirits, at least as far as baseball goes.  It might be a little much to hope a fellow Card fan might have stumbled onto this blog.  In any case, if it is something you like, enjoy reading haiku about baseball in its archive.

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