Navigating This Blog

Some directions for moving around this blog.

First, on the left, are today's haiku. At top are the Daily Haiku.  On most days there are three posts, each with one haiku. Once in a while there will be only one Daily Haiku post, but it will contain multiple haiku.  Daily Haiku cover many topics and are published chronologically in the order they were composed.

Also on the left and the last haiku of the day are those that are part of a series of haiku inspired by writings, others' or mine.  The current series is based on Solitude and Desolation.

In between these two groupings on the left, occasionally there will be haiku under the heading of either "About Cats..." or "About Baseball..."  These are about...what else...cats or baseball.

Now to the right side of the blog.  At the very top is "About this blog: Why 5-7-5".  This a is brief explanation of the blog, about why it is the way it is, plus a gratitude haiku to my friend Ali, who designed the blog and taught me how to maintain it (mostly).

Directly beneath is the section you are now reading, about navigating 5-7-5.  Keep reading, and you will know everything about it.

The last two sections on the right side are a bit more complex:

More about...

This section has twelve headings under it, arranged alphabetically.  Each is a topic which has inspired haiku.  More about... serves two purposes.  First, it provides an introduction and background for each topic, giving context and hopefully more meaning to the haiku it inspired.  Second, readers are able to read all haiku related to a specific topic immediately beneath it and in the order composed rather than in the order published.  This is important because all haiku based on previously written material start their commentary with the  beginning of the piece and continue on as the piece proceeds.  Two exceptions are "About Cats..." and "About Baseball...," which are ongoing and randomly written and published, making their order irrelevant. These two and Solitude and Desolation are the only active series at this time.  One last note: of the nine series that have been concluded, only four have had their haiku appended to their More about... entry.  These are:

A Life of One

Huang Po

Of Monks and Monastery

The Twelve Steps

The others will have their haiku added as time permits.  Solitude and Desolation, the current series, is having its haiku added each day as they are published in the daily blog.


The Archives list the same headings as More about..., with the addition of Daily Haiku and Illustrated Haiku.  When published on the left side of the page, haiku are simultaneously placed in the Archive.  There, the most recently published appear at the top of the list of  haiku previously archived under the same heading.  This means the reader who wants to read the first haiku written on a topic will have to go to the bottom and  read up.  Because they are randomly composed and published, haiku under the headings of "Daily Haiku," "About Cats...," "About Baseball...," and "Illustrated Haiku" can be found only in the Archives. They will not be listed anywhere in the order composed. This is also true of the following topics, whose haiku have yet to be added as composed in More about...

Tao Te Ching

The Four Sublime States      

The Eleven Sayings

The Radical Sayings of Jesus

The Second Book of Tao

And finally, three technical matters.  First, here are two Search boxes on the blog, one at the top upper left and one on the right just below this section about navigating this blog.  Second, on any of the pages, to get quickly from top to bottom or bottom to top, use control-end or control-home.  Third, to browse up or down quickly, use the page up or page down keys.

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