Why 5-7-5?

in the quiet night
I write these little verses 
of five-seven-five

A haiku is a form of poetry that originated centuries ago in Japan, commonly comprised of three lines: five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. There are variations.  With mine, I try to stick to five-seven-five.  Hence, the name of the blog. I do not think of my verses as poetry nor do I consider myself a poet. I think of my offerings as being structured observations about, well, about what I observe… and also about what I believe.  Each day's offerings will be archived as soon as they  are posted, so they can be read at any time with other related haiku. There is quite a backlog of verses. There will be a time gap between when they were written and when they are published. I will not be culling them, judging which are fit to post and which not. All are my children. The judging is left for you. I have now written more than three lines and seventeen syllables. Definitely not haiku.

gracious friend, Ali
she knows lots more than I do
without her, no blog

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