April 17, 2024

September 11, 1995

walking in darkness
travel far and long enough
the path becomes known

so many wants fade
when no longer are they seen
temptations grow weak

I speak not of cars
ice cream, dollars, or gadgets
not of mountain trips

no...wants more subtle...
firm answers and certitudes
soothing assurance

what yields the morrow
to where might this journey lead
how might my life end

to have at least hope
avoidance of severe pain
an end should it come

wants that seem worthy
serenity, sanctity
peace and holiness

righteous in God’s eyes
the apostle whom he loved
seemingly good stuff

a list such as this
wants that are intangible
these fade in darkness

though still they might call
yet still we know they are there
their power recedes

like a spurned lover
whose advances are ignored
soon they grow weary

rather than be feared
safe haven most welcome
does darkness become

trusting in trusting
embracing what is not known
walking not seeing

(to be continued...)

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